Arranged Marriage – Is Arranged Wedding Still Common Today

It’s not common to arrange marriage today. That depends on what society you are talking about. In India, where arranged marriages are still common in certain regions, parents expect their children adhere to it.

India’s weddings are celebrated with great pomp with all the relatives. In Indian society, arranged marital relationships are a long-standing tradition. However, some Indian families still arrange for their children to marry.

Indian society is extremely concerned about the compatibility and astrological actions of the couples’ birth charts, horoscopes, planetary actions. Caste, sub-caste, religion, family history, etc. Arrangement marriages are still preferred as it leaves no doubt in the parents’ mind that the marriage will be a success brides.

India considers marriages an important institution. They are not meant for breaking or can’t even be broken by signing a few legal papers. Parents and other relatives feel it is their duty choose the right partner to support their child.

Although there are some couples making the decision that they want to marry, the majority of Indian couples still choose to do so. The changing lifestyles and work culture of urban youth has seen a steady increase in love marriages. However, it is evident that they still need parental approval before embarking upon the new chapter in their lives.

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Arranged marriages still happen in India. This is due to a few factors that couples tend to overlook or not be keen to learn about, or because they don’t give much importance to these facts. In India, for example, parents compare the education of their children. For prospective brides, however, they want to see that the husband and wife are supportive and understanding of their daughter.

Although parents can talk with their children about their expectations for the future groom/bride, it is the parents who have to make the final decision on the best match. It is a common practice in India today.

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